Thankfully cinematic redemption was close at hand with the opening-night viewing of Contagion (7.5 out of 10), an excellently-constructed disaster/epidemic movie about a flu virus that kills millions. The all-star cast, including Marion Cotillard, Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow and Laurence Fishburne, were all excellent, with the exception of Jude Law, who wasn't quite believable in his role as a world-renowned blogger / excrement-stirrer. Although made by people who seem to believe that anywhere outside of the USA must be completely backward (especially China), the ability to create a believable scene of total chaos and disaster was very impressive.
Dinner afterwards of Big Mac & fries for €3.80 was utterly lush!
Poor Gwynny, under the weather
Contentment : 13.5 / 25
Excitement : 1.5 / 10
Memorability : 2.5 / 15
Overall Score : 35% (183rd out of 294)
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