Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 56 - Friday, February 25th, 2011

It was Jeans Day at work today - cue unbridled joy and seriously cool threads throughout the building! Such radical allowances come at the acceptable price of a modest charitable donation, but today's proceedings were enlivened with Glorious TA Leader Sir Trevor Underwood agreement to undergo a head-shave as part of Today FM's Shave Or Dye charity event. Well over 50 stafflings gathered in the canteen at 4pm to view the event, which got off to a slow start when the first electric head-shaver refused to work. Luckily (and rather oddly), someone happened to have a spare one at their desk, so it was duly retrieved, allowing Glorious Fund Accounting leader Anthony Cooney to commence the mass follicle butchery. The results were truly horrendous, sending Trevor scampering as speed to the nearest barber shop to get it done properly.

The temptation to join in the work drinks in The Vaults was massive but was suppressed, as it would in all likelihood have endangered the prospect of rising at 4.50am tomorrow to catch my Mancunian flight, so off I toddled home for a sedate and sober evening, taking a picture of the polling station where I had earlier voted in the Irish General Election.

Sean O'Casey Community Centre in Eastern Wall

Before and During shots of Shave (not Dye)

Contentment :   9.5 / 25
Excitement :     1.5 / 10
Memorability :  2.5 / 15

Overall Score : 27% (39th out of 56)

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