When one doesn't bring an umbrella to work in the morning, one should not be surprised when the heavens proceed to open with deluginous torrents in the evening time. Luckily a 128 bus was on hand relatively quickly to transport me 4/5ths of the way home. Self-comfort was very much required after such trauma, and this came in the guise of a ten-portion cooking of Chicken Stir-Fry, containing the entire contents of a roast chicken, 2 large onions, 2 tins of chopped tomatoes, a jar of pasta sauce, coriander, fresh basil, curry powder, half a bottle of hot sauce, red and green peppers, mushrooms, a pack of stir-fry vegetables, with a saucepan of rice bunged in on top at the end. Fearsomely delicious, instantly curing the meteorologically-inspired ills of the world!

Similar to this, only 40 times more delicious
Contentment : 13 / 25
Excitement : 1.5 / 10
Memorability : 2.5 / 15
Overall Score : 34% (139th out of 248)
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