Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 1 - January 1st 2011

Not the most enthralling start to this social experiment, as it was a monumentally uneventful day, but relaxing for all that. A tardy disembarcation from the scratcher set the tone, with the day spent mostly on the couch watching darts and footie. The sole excursion of the day was a 3 minute foray to Centra supermarket on the ground floor where I looked at everything and bought virtually nothing, resulting in me cooking the most bland meal of all time : a "Spanish" omelette consisting of 3 eggs, 3 potatoes and a tomato! Phil Taylor lost his quarter final to Mark Webster, so no 16th World Championship title for him this year. And the picture is of me in front of the telly after Barney (Raymond van Barneveld) lost to Gary Anderson in another quarter-final, and another with the lovely bottle of Spanish fizz from earlier in the morning.

Contentment : 11/25
Excitement : 1/10
Memorability : 1/15

Overall : 26%

Ranking : 1/1

This WILL get better folks!

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