Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 24 - Monday, January 24th, 2011

Ah, another week, another $, and a splendid day's Nothern Trust toil was done sooner than the shake of a lamb's tail, but it was marked on the walk in by the random finding in the morning (on the Eastern Wall pavement) of a €7.50 Boots voucher - what absolute luck!

Post-work, I made a beeline for Cineworld and caught the 5.50pm showing of Black Swan, THE film that is generating much word of mouth at the moment. I gave it 6.5 out of 10, having enjoyed an amazing performance from lead actress Natalie Portman, having ultimately enjoyed the cringe-inducing moments of the film, where she picks her skin and bleeds, but having baulked at the all-too-many believability-defying moments, not least at the end.

I emerged from Cineworld, and in an incredible twist of coincidence, there to greet me on the Parnell Street pavement was yet another Boots €7.50 voucher. These pieces of parchment are precious - is there someone out there deliberately spreading thm all over the city's thoroughfares?! Or is it an extraordinary piece of magnificent luck? I think we should be told....

Whilst walking home, I phone in my order for Bombay Pantry in Fairview, to use the 6th of my 8 CityDeal vouchers, where €18 worth of victuals are purchased for the princely sum of €8. My order includes Chicken Saag, Fire House Beef, twice rice, batata vada and subz bhija (nice Indian starter thingies). Home to the Lighthouse, where much of the order is unceremoniously wolfed.

                                                        Luscious Natalie, the Black Swan

Contentment : 11 / 25
Excitement :    1.5 / 10
Memorability : 1 / 15

Overall Score : 27% (18th out of 24)

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