Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 31 - Monday, January 31st, 2011

"Tell me why - I don't like Mondays," sayeth the Booomtown Rats choon, but I have always maintained that Tuesday is the worst day of the week. Monday has some remnants of the weekend fresh in the mind, Wednesday is halfway through the working week, Thursday is Thursday Night Darts Club, the other days speak for themselves. But today had nothing really going for it at all, and most people I met looked similarly inclined. 

So without even a foray to the cinema in the evening, the day must be declared to be monumentally dull, although ironically the evening did seem that little bit brighter during the walk home - summer is edging towards us, slowly but surely!

Bob Geldof - doesn't like Mondays
all of the time, apparently

Contentment : 10 / 25
Excitement :    0.5 / 10
Memorability : 1 / 15

Score : 23% (26th out of 31)

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