Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 25 - Tuesday, January 25th, 2011

After a splendid day's toil, it was time for Tuesday Night Golf Club at Metro Golf, where a competitive field of 7 international athletes gathered to play the Innisbrook Copperhead course. I finished mid-field with a creditable 30 points, which consisted of a great start before my 1st pint of Heineken took effect, a dodgy third-quarter as the 2nd pint affected my swing, and a barn-storming last 4 holes as the 3rd pint instilled confidence and athletic abandon. Seasoned professional Neil "Dutchy" Holland edged out Conquer "The Conqueror" O'Keeffe in a dramatic play-off after both finished on 34 points. The evening was only slightly marred by a neighbouring gang of chappies who insisted of laughing like hyenas every 15 seconds - amazing how a round of golf could produce such utter hilarity!

                                         Damiano points to the screen for no apparent reason

                                          Bronze medallist "English" Niall English in putting action.

The Royal & Ancient Committee then retired to the fine nearby Ringsend hostelry, The Oarsman, for a few convivials, and the fine evening finished with a bracing walk home across the East Link bridge.

Contentment :  12 / 25
Excitement :     3 / 10
Memorability : 3 / 15

Overall Score : 36% (10th out of 25)


Anonymous said...

Less said about my performance the better! Roll on TNGC XV.

Il Damiano said...

Verily, your TNGC XV performance will turn heads, setting the golfing world alight!