Onward we drove to our Halfway House for the night, which was Daly's Inn of Donore, on the border of Counties Meath and Louth. Coincidentally, Counties Louth and Meath were playing in the All-Ireland Gaelic Football qualifiers, ensuring a packed and lively house, with equal numbers of supporters for both teams. (Alas, Meath triumphed.) As is traditional, we played dominoes for 6 hours, with Team Trance winning in an epic fashion, by 3 sets to 2. We still had time to chatter with the locals though, including a very talkative woman who told us that she was a district nurse with inner sight - a curious but no doubt highly advantageous duet of talents. In hindsight, we should have taken the prompt to see what insight she had into any of us but the moment passed, passed out of sight. No matter, it probably would have been a load of sight.

The Hill of Glebe
Contentment : 18 / 25
Excitement : 3.5 / 10
Memorability : 4.5 / 15
Overall Score : 52% (14th out of 176)
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