Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 203 - Friday, July 22nd, 2011

Much to report on today, with accompanying pictorial evidence, starting with yet another awesome Maples lunch - Cream of Mushroom soup, 1/2 pounder cheeseburger with giant wedges and salad accompaniments, and chocolate profiteroles, with added Floridian liquid refreshment. Outstanding!

Whilst driving home after work, I captured photographic proof of the chicken outside Kentucky Fried Chicken, mentioned some days ago, to end the pronouncements of dubiousness from Doubting Thomas aka Corbett Cutts. In yo FACE, Cutzmeister!

Thankfully JP (my sole access facilitator to the Caymanian social scene, for in truth it's a cliquey sort of an island) ditched plans to be a boring gym-rat this evening, opting to head to stylish cocktail bar Abacus for "Happy" Hour, which consisted of pints of lager for CI$5 (€4.25) until 7pm, after which they reverted to their normal CI$6.50 (€5.50) price. But Adam's head needed to be wetted, so the horses were not spared! Banter was excellent, and I got introduced to the lovely Mel from Montreal, who was celebrating her Deloitte & Touche promotion, and vivacious Veronique, a nanny from Eindhoven, who is busying herself currently with fending off the unwanted amourous advances of her lecherous employer. I also correctly guessed Brendan Rainonen's Irish and Finnish parentage, purely from his name.  

Caymanians love to rove across the island to visit many drinking establishments, rather than settle down in one, and there appears to be no reticence about doing so in one's automobile - one of the island's many American influences. So off we sped to Karma, a bar pretty much like any other one, except that it is the anointed cool place from the hours of 9 to 12, attracting the large crowd that many seem to crave. Banter was good there also - I had a great chat with a Caymaian native who told me all about the island, particularly its food - a subject close to everyone's hearts here, and I learned that the Conch I ate in Florida airport shouldn't have tasted like rubbery calmari, and that turtle steak tastes like beef.

Onwards again!, well ahead of Karma losing its cool status, back to Elements nightclub for another Friday night's action, where complimentary admission was arranged courtesy of Gretchen, who was performing there (splendidly) once again. The choons were good and the screwdrivers strong! 

"Dining" at Abacus

                         Interesting decor in the male restroom cubicle - 2 choices for sitting on the throne!

Good Karma with JP & Gretchen

Gretchen in podium action, watched by her proud less-better half

Contentment : 17 / 25
Excitement :    3 / 10
Memorability : 4.5 / 15

Overall Score : 49% (38th out of 203)

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