Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 200 - Tuesday, July 19th, 2011

200 days a-blogging! Tougher work to keep it going than you'd think, but it'll be cool to look back when the year is done. Thanks to everyone for reading (nearly 9,000 hits to date) and here's to 165 more until completion!

This has turned into a foodie blog of late, as in truth there is not a whole lot to do in the Caymans after work hours, except eat, drink and relax. Tonight saw another return to Paradise - the cocktail of the day (on special at CI$4) was the Mojito, which got me quite excited, but the chappie who concocted this particular one focused more on the lime pips and syrup than on bacardi or rum, alas - boo-urns! Having enjoyed steak of the utmost taste and quality for lunch (with asparagus and rice an bean), I decided to be a little different for dinner, and order steak with asparagus and rice an bean. Is it wrong to eat steak twice in one day? Yes, it probably is.

Paradise Restaurant, George Town

Contentment : 14.5 / 25
Excitement :    1 / 10
Memorability : 1 / 15

Overall Score : 33% (101st out of 200)

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